Welcome to the official website for West Looe Town Trust

West Looe Town Trust was established in 1873 and is a registered charity (regd. charity no: 228167). The trust owns a range of domestic, commercial and historic properties in West Looe and its income is used to manage and maintain its various properties. Any surplus income is used to fulfil the charitable aims of the West Looe Town Trust.

The trust has a number of houses and flats that are rented to local residents. It also has much sought after car parking spaces, garages and commercial premises that are rented or leased. If you are interested in any of these facilities, please contact the West Looe Town Trust Office for further details.

Grant in Memory of Queen Elizabeth II

Grant in Memory of Queen Elizabeth II

Every year the Board open up this Grant Fund and invite applicants to apply for funding.

The criteria for funding includes:
• For the purposes of this grants programme the Trustees can only consider applications from persons who are permanently resident in the area of benefit
[the area of benefit is that administered by the Looe Town Council]
• A new application must be made for each donation request
• Please note that the Trust may require receipts before any part of a grant is paid
• Please note that a refund of any monies donated may be required if the Grant is found not to be in line with the Trust’s Charter.
• Seeking help to cover costs already incurred such as debts or loans that have already been taken out.
• Volunteer schemes/projects.

Guidance for Applicants
The Trust cannot accept applications from people/groups who are:
Normally resident outside the area of benefit [the area of benefit is that administered by the Looe Town Council].

Download document (pdf)

Peter Kinver - New Volunteer for Blood Delivery

Peter Kinver - New Volunteer for Blood Delivery

The Trust was happy to give a small donation towards the cost of equipment needed by local business man - Mr Peter Kinver to keep him warm, dry and safe on his bike travels as a volunteer for Cornwall Blood Bikes. Well done to Pete for helping the Community with this much needed assistance.