Grant in Memory of Queen Elizabeth II
Every year the Board open up this Grant Fund and invite applicants to apply for funding.
The criteria for funding includes:
• For the purposes of this grants programme the Trustees can only consider applications from persons who are permanently resident in the area of benefit
[the area of benefit is that administered by the Looe Town Council]
• A new application must be made for each donation request
• Please note that the Trust may require receipts before any part of a grant is paid
• Please note that a refund of any monies donated may be required if the Grant is found not to be in line with the Trust’s Charter.
• Seeking help to cover costs already incurred such as debts or loans that have already been taken out.
• Volunteer schemes/projects.
Guidance for Applicants
The Trust cannot accept applications from people/groups who are:
Normally resident outside the area of benefit [the area of benefit is that administered by the Looe Town Council].