West Looe Town Trust

Registered Charity No: 228167

What we do

West Looe Town Trust is a registered charity (charity number: 228167) and was established in 1873.

West Looe Town Trust owns a range of domestic, commercial and historic properties in West Looe, together with some small car parks, amenity areas and the open spaces of West Looe Downs. The Trust is also the freeholder of several properties that are lease held by the current owners.  Besides this portfolio of land and property, the Trust also holds an investment portfolio, which is managed with advice from professional financial managers.

The income generated through these properties and investments is partially used to manage, maintain and operate the various properties. The surplus income is used to fulfil the charitable aims of the West Looe Town Trust. These aims (taken directly from the governing document) comprise:

  1. The relief of the Aged, Impotent and Poor.
  2. The relief of Distress and Sickness.
  3. The provision and support (with the object of improving the conditions of life in the interests of social welfare) of facilities for Recreation or other Leisure Time Occupation.
  4. The provision and support of Educational facilities.
  5. Any other Charitable Purposes for the General Benefit.

NOTE: The area of benefit from these charitable aims is strictly limited to the area administered by Looe Town Council. (Town and Parish council boundaries can be found on the Cornwall Council website (www.cornwall.gov.uk)).

As part of its operations West Looe Town Trust has a number of houses and flats that are rented to local residents. Similarly, the Trust has much sought after car parking spaces, garages and commercial premises that are rented or leased.

If you are interested in any of these facilities, please contact the West Looe Town Trust office for further details and to join the respective waiting list.

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